Think Science: Using Data Science to Improve Our City

Texas Public Radio and the UTSA School of Data Science present a Think Science panel and discussion on how data can be used to benefit the public good. Join us at UTSA’s San Pedro I campus on Tuesday, September 12 at 7:00 p.m. for an hour-long live event highlighting the innovative work and programs happening […]

Public Meeting: W-52 Culebra Creek Capacity Relief

Alicia Trevino Lopez Senior One-Stop Center 8353 Culebra Rd, San Antonio, TX, United States

Two upcoming SAWS projects will impact the trails along Leon Creek Greenway from the Leon Vista Greenway paved path south to Devil's Den and from Cathedral Rock Park along Culebra Creek Greenway east to Devil's Den (see map).

Public Meeting: W-9 Upper Leon Creek Sewer Project

YMCA at O.P. Schnabel Park 9606 Bandera Rd, San Antonio, TX, United States

PUBLIC MEETING NOTICEW-52 Culebra Creek / W-9 Upper Leon CreekSewer Project Two upcoming SAWS projects will impact the trails along Leon Creek Greenway from the Leon Vista Greenway paved path south to Devil's Den and from Cathedral Rock Park along Culebra Creek Greenway east to Devil's Den (see map). More details coming as to which […]

Trail Watch Volunteer Orientation

Ron Darner Park Headquarters 5800 Enrique M Barrera Pkwy, San Antonio, TX, United States

If you're passionate about greenway trails then consider becoming a Trail Watch Volunteer!

2022-2027 Bond Project: Olmos Basin Park

Church of the Blessed Sacrament 600 Oblate Dr, San Antonio, TX, United States

The Olmos Basin Park Project will construct general park improvements within available funding

AAMPO Walk & Bike Night

Join AAMPO at the UTSA Downtown Campus to learn and ask questions about upcoming bike and pedestrian plans and projects coming up!

Laven Park Master Plan – Public Meeting Notice

Garza Commuity Center 1450 Mira Vista, San Antonio, TX, United States

Learn about and share input on the Master Plan for the future 120-acre Laven Park along Zarzamora Creek and South of Culebra Road.

Linear Creekway Parks Advisory Board Meeting

Granados Adult & Senior Center 500 Freiling, San Antonio, TX, United States

Briefing and Possible Action on the following items 2. Huebner Creek Greenway (Floyd Curl Dr. to Leon Valley City Limits) - presented by Elaine Kearney with TBG Partners. 3. Zarzamora Creek Greenway (Alderete Park to Tierra del Sol Park) – presented by Frank Engallina with the San Antonio River Authority. 4. Board Member Report - […]

Public Meeting: W-52 Culebra Creek Capacity Relief

Alicia Trevino Lopez Senior One-Stop Center 8353 Culebra Rd, San Antonio, TX, United States

Informational meeting on SAWS project that will impact the trails along Leon Creek Greenway from Cathedral Rock Park along Culebra Creek Greenway east to Devil's Den.

Public Meeting: W-9 Upper Leon Creek Sewer Project

OP Schnabel Park 9606 Bandera Rd, San Antonio

Informational meeting on SAWS project that will impact the trails along Leon Creek Greenway from the Leon Vista Greenway paved path south to Devil's Den.